So far, the hardest thing about cancer has been telling people about the cancer. This blog is for friends and family to stay updated on my status as I go through treatment for Primary Mediastinal Lymphoma.

3 Responses to “About”

  1. Anita Says:

    Hey Anne- I just read your first post. That totally stinks. Here’s hoping for the best. Email if you need anything (the good karma’s already on its way…).

  2. Kris Barrows Says:

    Dear Anne and Sterling – I feel like all the air got sucked out of me when I heard about the challenge the two of you are facing. Immediately I could see Anne with her beautiful bunny cake and smiling face. From the statistics that you gave, it seems that there is a long road ahead – but that you should be feeling better after treatment. I know that you will have a wonderful support team there for you – and I hope you both use them. I owe you a special favor and I hope you will use it if you can. While I am not working a lot these days, if you EVER need a ride to treatment – or someone to quietly sit with you during a bad day – I have the time – and it would be a true pleasure to be able to help at this time. Also, if meals are a problem, please let me know. Contrary to what you may have heard, I can rustle up (Texan talk) a decent meal. Just know that Jim and I are both here for you in any way you can use us. We care about you and you will be in our thoughts.

  3. marge bode Says:

    THink of you often, Annie, and read your updates. Glad you are through this phase and I’m praying you continue to do well. Molly’s sister Ellen finished her chemo, had surgery and now has started her radiation. I went out to Las Vegas to help out when she had surgery. That was a workout. Her girls are 2 4 and 7. They were good,and I had lots of fun with them, but I was exhasted when I got home. Keep up that positive outlook. I’m convince that that and prayers just increased the efficacy of doctors , drugs and treatments. YOu’re in my prayers. Marge

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